Click on links below to find out more information about our subjects.
English is a core subject and the acquisition of literacy skills is essential to accessing the whole curriculum. There are three main areas within the English Curriculum.
Reading is an important skill for life and we aim to produce children who are confident readers and who enjoy reading. At SJB we aim to achieve this by:
At Foundation Stage we will encourage and support children in the development of pre-reading skills as part of the process of becoming fluent readers.
At Key Stage 1 each child will be part of a group of similar ability for reading. Teachers will hear each child read as part of a group in the guided reading session and children will take books home regularly for parents to share and support their reading development.
Stories and poetry are read to children at all stages within the school to stimulate their reading for pleasure. The school has a well stocked library with a wide range of books from which children can regularly choose. The home/school reading books are banded and children are matched to books which are interesting and suitable for their reading ability.
Higher order reading and referencing skills are also taught so that children become independent in their ability to support their topic work.
See the dedicated reading page by clicking here
The development of speaking and listening skills are an important part in developing children’s overall literacy skills. The ability to articulate information, ideas and opinions is an important life skill. In addition, we believe that if you can’t say it you will not be able to write it. Therefore at SJB children are given plenty of opportunities to talk and listen in a number of different contexts including:
Children are encouraged to see themselves as writers from the moment they enter school in Reception. They are encouraged to communicate through writing in play situations and then, as they become confident and develop their letter/sound association knowledge, to use writing in a more structured way. Opportunities are given for the children to produce writing which has been directed by the teacher as well as independently.
In Key Stage 1, the teaching of spelling and handwriting is combined with phonics (sounds). Knowledge of letter sounds helps children to spell correctly and to tackle unknown words when reading. A specific programme based on ‘Progression in Phonics’ is used.
In Key Stage 1 children are taught correct letter formation and the simple rudiments of grammar, for example, capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks etc. In Years 1 and 2 children are taught how to develop vocabulary skills in the whole class situation and in small groups. They are also encouraged to write independently to communicate their thoughts in all areas of the curriculum.
Raising standards in writing continues to be a priority for the school. The school uses Ros Wilson’s ‘Big Writing’ strategies to encourage children to enjoy writing and to improve their writing skills especially in their use of grammar and punctuation. The scheme also helps children and teachers to identify individual targets for improvement.
By the time children leave SJB they will have been taught the following:
Drama contributes to language and literacy and to the general education of children because:
For all of these reasons we encourage Drama work at SJB.
‘Do It’ focuses on the ‘What it is?’ where children complete standard examples to practice fluency.
Are you secure? Twist It
‘Twist It’ focuses on non-standard examples to challenge procedural fluency. It also focuses on the ‘What it is not?’ where children complete active argument tasks (e.g. True/False, Do you agree?) to focus on misconceptions and mistakes to challenge conceptual understanding.
Can you apply it to deepen your understanding? ‘Solve It’
‘Solve It’ focuses on solving familiar and unfamiliar problems to challenge mathematical thinking.
What is Big Maths Beat That?
Every week the children complete the Big Maths Beat That Challenges. Big Maths Beat That! Challenges consist of the CLIC Challenges, Learn Its Challenges and SAFE Challenges which collectively provide a set of comprehensive questions that assess a child’s ability in primary maths. Big Maths Beat That! has been specifically designed as the assessment element of Big Maths and allows teachers to measure the progress of each child on a weekly basis.
There are three parts to Big Maths Beat That:
Science Curriculum Overview
Computing Curriculum Overview
A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Computing is taught as a discrete subject and is incorporated in teaching across the whole of the curriculum.
PE Curriculum Overview
At SJB we promote a love of sport and enjoyment of physical activity. We aim to build both confidence and competency through a progressive curriculum. We make use of a range of equipment and employ sports coaches to support areas of PE. This also includes thorough assessments of each child at the end of each term. Each class follows an approved scheme of work which builds skills over each academic year.
In EYFS & KS1 children are taught the fundamentals of PE which includes a physical, social and cognitive approach to learning. We make use of sports coaches throughout the year and take part in several virtual competitions where children are aiming to beat their own scores.
In KS2 children are taught how to use their skills in a safe and competitive way. An ethos of fair play and sportsmanship is recognised throughout the Key Stage. High expectations of behaviour are expected in PE sessions just like in other areas of the school. These values are also focussed upon when taking part in competitions and festivals where we expect behaviour to be outstanding too. Every child in KS2 is given a chance to take part in competitions with some being chosen regularly for their exceptional contribution to sport.
By having clear values we aim to keep our children safe and aim for them to take an active part school life. By focusing on PE we hope to make children more responsible for their own health in later life.
RE Curriculum Overview
To fulfil the aims of the Cumbria RE syllabus and in so doing:
Children are taught to be respectful of different religions. Tolerance is not only a core ‘British Value’, it is also an increasingly important feature of the common humanity we would wish to prevail in the world today.
In accordance with Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, parents have the right to withdraw their child from lessons in religious education and/or assemblies.
See here for our RE Policy
History Curriculum Overview
Art Curriculum Overview
The Arts are of vital importance at SJB and we are proud to have been accredited the Arts Mark Award. The children enjoy a rich range of art experiences including art museum visits and opportunities to see and work with a range of artists in school across the different art forms.
Art display at SJB also plays an important role by providing an inter-active, educational and stimulating environment in our classrooms, corridors, hall and library.
Music Curriculum Overview
Music is a very important and lively part of SJB life. We aim to make music available and enjoyable to all children regardless of their previous experience or level of expertise.
DT Curriculum Overview
Design Technology requires the children to use their knowledge and understanding to design and make products. To achieve this, the children are taught to combine a range of skills distinctive to designing and making, with skills from other subject areas. As the children acquire experience and develop confidence, they will be engaged in activities that become more complex and require greater skills and depth of knowledge for success.
MFL Curriculum Overview
PSHE Curriculum Overview
Our PSHE and SRE policy aims to ensure that children are able to gain knowledge, understanding and skills in order to successfully manage their lives and thrive with confidence as an individual, family members and as members of society.
Through the teaching of 3 core themes: Health and wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the wider world we anticipate that the children will develop a good grasp of tolerance, safety, fairness and feelings. Aspects of these themes may link with other curriculum subjects such as science.
Such teaching is modelled and thus reinforced daily at school in line with our school ethos and assemblies as well as through direct teaching. Some lessons are taught by specialists such as our School Nurse for aspects of the SRE curriculum (with parental consent.) and NSPCC staff for personal safety.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship provides children with the ‘tools’ to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. The school actively encourages its pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we aim to help develop their sense of self worth.
We also teach how society is organised and governed thus demonstrating the process of democracy in school through the election and work of a school council. We teach the children about rights and responsibilities and we aim for them to learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.
Click here to view our PSHE Policy.
During Years 5 and 6 the children are introduced to the subject of Sex Education with specific objectives in mind. These objectives are that the children will:
Subject |
Subject Leader |
British Values |
Mrs H Pearson |
DT |
Mrs N Fletcher |
Educational Visits |
Mrs D Dobson |
English |
Miss A Gardiner |
Reading |
Miss A Gardiner |
Forest Schools |
Mrs R Sainsbury/Mr J Maher |
Geography |
Mrs R Sainsbury |
History |
Miss K Davison |
Computing |
Miss A Gardiner |
Maths |
Mr J Maher |
Mrs N Fletcher |
Mrs R Sainsbury |
Miss J Wall |
PE |
Mr J Maher |
RE |
Mrs H Pearson |
Science |
Mrs N Fletcher |
Miss A Robinson |
Mrs H Pearson |
Music |
Miss R Sadler |
Art |
Mrs S Branton |