
Calendar of Events

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About Us

Children can join our Nursery at the start of the term after their 3rd birthday and the Reception Class in the September after their 4th birthday.

Children in Nursery are entitled to 15 hours per week free of charge (or 30 hours for working families if eligible).  Parents/carers may pay for extra sessions, including lunchtime cover, if they wish as we offer wrap around care from 8am to 5.30pm for all children attending our school.

Before your child starts in Nursery or the Reception class you will be offered a home visit where you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s development, personality and interests with members of staff.

At Sir John Barrow School we aim to get to know your child as an individual. Children learn in many different ways and their needs are constantly changing.

We spend time observing the children and discussing their development with you so we are able to plan activities that offer opportunities that enable the children to develop new skills.

Much of this is play based where the adults work alongside the children, talking to them about what they are doing while encouraging them to use new vocabulary and try new activities. The children have access to the outside area in which staff have set up activities that reflects the learning inside the classroom. We encourage the children to play using all their senses to explore the world around them so there is often ‘messy’ play involving mud, sand, shaving foam, soap suds, cornflour gloop etc. We provide waterproof clothing so every child is able to join in the fun while staying warm and dry.

Underpinning this learning is the structured teaching of basic skills such as phonics, mathematical development and physical development. Children take part in fun, engaging sessions that focus on the key skills that lead into them being able to read, write and perform simple mathematical skills. This may be in sessions involving the whole class or in a smaller group depending on the activity.

We recognise that children don’t stop learning outside the school gates and see parents and families as key players in a child’s education so would encourage you to take an active role in your child’s education. Staff are available at the beginning and end of each session to talk about your child’s progress, discuss any issues that may be effecting their learning or to celebrate their successes.