School Uniform

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School Uniform

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school, with the following exceptions, earring studs in pierced ears and small objects of religious significance, such as a crucifix on a chain.

Children are asked to remove these objects during P.E, Games, swimming and when using the adventure playground but staff are not permitted to do this for the children.

We also ask that children do not have their ears pierced until the start of the summer break. This request is in line with Local Authority recommendations.

School uniform is compulsory and consists of:

Dark blue sweatshirt or cardigan with SJB logo
White or Navy Blue polo shirt with or without the SJB logo
Dark blue, grey or black trousers/skirt
Suitable plain black footwear*
Pale blue checked dress or dark blue, grey or black tailored shorts in summer

*The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults and therefore in school, they should wear sensible, plain black, safe footwear with an appropriate grip. We allow children to wear plain black trainers to school as these provide appropriate grip and are comfortable. Trainers with coloured stripes/stitching etc are not allowed. School can provide the names of local businesses who stock plain black trainers.

Extreme haircuts

The school does not permit children to have haircuts, styles or hair colour that could serve as a distraction to other children. This includes shaved hair patterns.

P.E Uniform

Yellow, green, blue or red t-shirt according to the child’s allocated ‘House’.

(Please note children are allocated the same ‘House’ as any siblings attending the school)
Navy shorts